This "pink" full moon shines on our needs and those of others that exposes us to what helps us
get in touch with our feelings or things that we may have neglected or cut off that need to be re-
balanced to have inner peace and harmony restored.
Also, those that follow the stars will know that mercury will be going retrograde on the 21st till
May 14th. This only means to slow your roll in areas of communication and travel and re-check,
re-lease and re-visit so that when Mercury does go direct, we have a semi-clear vision of what is
ahead. Be gentle with yourself and rest when needed.
We are entering a paradigm like never before. It is strange, uncomfortable and necessary. We are
finding ourselves in more dust ups and uncomfortable, peaceful situations where we get to BE,
but there is also drama and insecurities all around causing us to question our essence. We are
finding ourselves on a path that we don't recognize, but we know exactly where we want it to go.
When we reach one of our destination dreams, it's always better than imagined. Then the next
one or couple appears and on to the next adventure and so on.
Life is amazing! It is one long road trip, picking up hitchhikers, dropping off relatives and
friends, hitting some major storms and shitty roads. They say the journey is everything. I have to
agree. Pick your co-pilot wisely and buckle up because it's gonna get bumpy. Then you turn the
corner and there is a brand new road, right in front of you, made especially for you.
Road trippin is the best. There is nothing like getting in the car with a full tank, snacks at your
feet and taking your lover's hand and setting out to see what happens. Without a plan, only a
destination and see how it goes.
Travel lightly my friends. I appreciate all the venues I have chosen that have brought each and
everyone of you into my atmosphere and I am eternally grateful.
With love,